cannabis roaches are toxic to pets

Help spread awareness of Cannabis Toxicity in Dogs

Print an Awareness Poster from Home!

Cannabis Toxic to Pets Posters Cards print your own >>

Thank you for taking the time out of your day to help us raise awareness about pets becoming ill from accidental ingestion of cannabis. The aim of this project is to help everyone create new habits for the safe disposal of marijuana.

Similar to cigarette butts or the use of plastics, it may not occur to people that the tiny roach they stomped out on the ground can be harmful.

THC products are becoming more concentrated, plants are being bred for higher THC yields. What used to be a few hours of discomfort for animals is now becoming alarmingly serious. Also, with recreational cannabis recently becoming legal for consumption in Canada, it's time for us to let people know about the harmful effects that pets endure after finding & ingesting discarded roaches or edibles on the ground.

Legalizing marijuana for recreational use was a step in the right direction. In order to get this message through clearly, please refrain from demonizing or antagonizing cannabis users themselves! Similar to cigarette butts or the use of plastics, it may not occur to people that the tiny roach they stomped out on the ground can be harmful. Raising awareness is the key to the success of this project.

Taking Action

What can you do to help?

Please share this through social media posts, with your local SPCA, city or provincial parks. You can also print and post one of our designed (or painted) posters at your favourite dog park, or bring it into your local vets office and cannabis dispensary.

You can also subscribe to our file iconyoutube channel or file iconfollow us on facebook for updates!

We now have business card sized hand-outs which can be printed for handing to customers who purchase marijuana products or they can be set out on display in stores. You can also keep some on hand to give out when you're walking your dog.


Discrete portable ashtrays!

A small discrete keychain ashtray so that you are never without a proper place to dispose of your roach. Being a part of the solution to cannabis waste is important to us. We would love to see these become a regularly used item for responsible tokers. check it out >>

Cannabis Roach Keychain Ashtray Cannabis Roach Keychain Ashtray

Donations now accepted!

All Donations will be used to pay for fee's incurred.

Cannabis Toxic to Pets Project Donations Accepted donate >>

You can now make a donation in order to offset the costs of web space & printed handouts through paypal! Please only donate if you have the means to do so comfortably.

If donations exceed fee's paid, I will put them towards printing cards to hand out with purchases at dispensaries, or create flyers that can be mailed out door to door. If donations still exceed costs, I will remove this button from this website. Thank you to everyone who supports this project!

thank you friends