cannabis roaches are toxic to pets

Cannabis Toxicity Awareness Printouts

Free Printable Awareness Materials for you to hand out!

Dog Malamute Character

Please ensure that you have permission to hand out or post any of these printouts. They are provided free of charge in order to promote awareness and help our community to build better habits around the recreational use of marijuana products.

While cannabis is legal for recreational use in Canada, there may be limits on the use of these printouts in places where minors frequent. We do not want to promote the use of marijuana nor dissuade it. The aim of this project is only to raise awareness of what happens when discarded marijuana is found by pets and ingested.

Posters: Print ready Posters!

Affiche Francais

Imprimez une affiche chez vous!

French Print from home Poster

Voici Quelque Chose à Raconter

Artiste: Valerie Ryan

Affiche taille 8.5" x 11" que vous pouvez imprimer chez vous! Veuillez cliquer sur l'image ci-dessus

Choisissez une taille

Téléchargez le fichier approprié pour l'impression.

Paper Size Printing Choices - Letter

Si vous l'imprimez localement, choisissez le fichier PDF CMYK (avec fond perdu) et chargez-le sur une clé USB portable pour l'apporter dans votre imprimerie préférée! Pour le partage en ligne, choisissez le Web, utilisez un fichier JPG ou PDF à partager dans des groupes de médias sociaux ou avec des amis en ligne.

Pour l'Impression | Avec Fond Perdu

file iconcmyk pdf

Pour l'Impression | Pas de Fond Perdu

file iconcmyk pdf

En Ligne & Fichiers Alternatifs

file iconrbg jpg
file iconpdf interactif
Paper Size Printing Choices - Legal

Si vous l'imprimez localement, choisissez le fichier PDF CMYK (avec fond perdu) et chargez-le sur une clé USB portable pour l'apporter dans votre imprimerie préférée! Pour le partage en ligne, choisissez le Web, utilisez un fichier JPG ou PDF à partager dans des groupes de médias sociaux ou avec des amis en ligne.

Pour l'Impression | Avec Fond Perdu

file iconcmyk pdf

Pour l'Impression | Pas de Fond Perdu

file iconcmyk pdf

En Ligne & Fichiers Alternatifs

file iconrbg jpg
file iconpdf interactif

Cards: Portable Printable Hand-out's!

Print your own portable cards!

Hand outs in a small size! Perfect for giving out with customer purchases or to spread by word of mouth. These would be great to have handy while you're walking your dog or to display in any store or dispensary!

Double sided cards will cost more to have printed. Bleeds also add to the cost. I have made these cards available in multiple designs in order to suit every budget.

Card choices - Double side w bleed


double sided

full bleed


Card choices - Double side w bleed


double sided

no bleed


Card choices - Double side w bleed


single sided

no bleed


Choose for your budget!

Choose a card design to suit your budget and download the appropriate file for printing.

Card choices - Double side w bleed

If you are getting this printed locally, choose the CMYK PDF Print file and load it onto a portable USB stick to bring into your favorite printing shop! For sharing digitally, Choose the Web use JPGs or Interactive PDF file to share in social media groups or with friends online.

Print Use | With Bleed

file iconcmyk with bleed pdf

Print Use | No Bleed

file iconcmyk no bleed pdf

RGB JPG | With Bleed

file iconrgb w bleed front jpg
file iconrgb w bleed back jpg

Web Use & Alternate files

file iconinteractive pdf
file iconrgb no bleed front jpg
file iconrgb no bleed back jpg
Card choices - Double side without bleed

If you are getting this printed locally, choose the CMYK PDF Print file and load it onto a portable USB stick to bring into your favorite printing shop! For sharing digitally, Choose the Web use JPGs or Interactive PDF file to share in social media groups or with friends online.

Print Use | No Bleed

file iconcmyk no bleed pdf

RGB JPG | No Bleed

file iconrgb front jpg
file iconrgb back jpg

Web Use & Alternate files

file iconinteractive pdf
Card choices - Single side w bleed

If you are getting this printed locally, choose the CMYK PDF Print file and load it onto a portable USB stick to bring into your favorite printing shop! For sharing digitally, Choose the Web use JPGs or Interactive PDF file to share in social media groups or with friends online.

Print Use | No Bleed

file iconcmyk no bleed pdf

Web Use & Alternate files

file iconrgb jpg
thank you friends